High Court Writ of Possession


If you have squatters in commercial or residential premises and need assistance with obtaining an order from the court for possession.

Working in partnership with specialist lawyers we will arrange for them to prepare and draft all the court papers for issue in the courts. They are fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and are experts in getting these actions progressed speedily through the courts, and are often able to obtain a possession order against “Persons Unknown” in a matter of days. Once the order is granted it can immediately be transferred to the High Court for enforcement. Squatter Evictions UK can then get the squatters evicted under the authority of the sealed writ without further notice.

Under a High Court writ of possession, the Police are required under the Courts Act to assist the Enforcement Agents, and the writ also gives you the ability to act immediately if the land or premises are re-occupied. Our authorised officer is Morgan Sheldon.

Contact us here for further details

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